This new breakfast trend will leave you shocked. This Superfood Helps you Lose A Pound A Day.

Oatmeal by itself can help control body fat, but when you combine oatmeal with ingredients like coconut, flax, almonds, and blueberries you create a superfood which slashes your appetite and burns your body fat at a faster rate.

A recent study conducted by British and Chinese scientists discovered that type 2 diabetics who enjoy one cup of oats daily not only lose weight quickly, they trigger a 200 percent increase in belly-fat burning all while helping you keep blood sugar stable. 

According to LSU researcher Dr. Candida Rebello, these oats contain a large amount of beta-glucan which helps trap nutrients in our systems for up to 10 hours and slowly releasing them in the digestive tract.

To make this superfood even better is to add coconut oil. The oil fills the superfood with MCT fatty acids which turbocharge your metabolism, burning body fat at a much faster rate. A great substitute for this is protein powder, according to the University of Arkansas, it delivers the perfect dose of amino acids to double the speed of which you burn fat.

To trigger weight loss fast, experts suggest 1 cup of cooked oats with almonds, which Loma Linda University has found to stimulate 62% more weight loss without cutting carbs, blueberries, which have antioxidants that suppress appetite and speeds up metabolism, coconut, which Italian scientists have found to boost metabolism by 200% 6 hours after consumption, and flaxseed, which is an excellent source of ALA, a type of omega-3 fatty acid that boosts weight loss by 200%.