Discover the plant that’s been helping millions. An essential part of your everyday diet that helps your body naturally fight diseases and blood pressure.

According to recent studies, Cloves, flower buds from the clove tree, help protect the body from cancer, lower blood pressure, and detoxify the liver.

Cloves contain a high amount of manganese which is vital for the brain and bones to stay healthy. If that wasn’t enough, they also contain eugenol, a potent antioxidant that fights free radicals in the body. But most importantly, studies are now suggesting that cloves could help protect the body from cancer. One study discovered that cloves help stop the growth of cancerous tumors, while another suggests that the eugenol found inside the clove is effective at killing off cervical cancer cells.

Another benefit cloves provide is that it is remarkable at detoxifying the liver. In an animal study conducted by the Department of Food Sciences and Nutrition, researchers fed rats with fatty liver disease solutions containing clove oil which resulted in a much better overall liver function. A separate study found that eugenol helped reverse signs of cirrhosis.

Cloves also help the body regulate blood sugar. A study found that clove extract helped control blood sugar in mice with diabetes. Another study also suggests that clove extract increased the absorption of sugar from the blood into cells. In all, cloves are an essential part of your everyday diet that helps your body naturally fight diseases and blood pressure.